New dog registration
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Select a Category to begin a new dog registration. To renew an existing dog registration, visit the Payments page.

Council's dog registration discount categories are for the purpose of encouraging responsible ownership, reducing the number of unwanted dogs in the District, and reducing the incidents of aggression/attacks. To find out more about the discounts and which discounts apply to your dog's registration please visit the Register a new dog page on our website.
 CategoryDescriptionDurationDescriptionAnnual cost
Stock DogSelect this option for a Stock dog – kept principally for the purposes of herding or driving stock1 $13.30
Working dogSelect this option for a Working dog – as defined by Section 2 of the Dog Control Act 1996 e.g. pest dogs working under the Biosecurity Act1 $13.30
Service dogSelect this option for a Service dog – as defined by Section 2 of the Dog Control Act 1996 e.g. pest dogs working under the Biosecurity Act1 $0.00
Pet No discounts apply1 $36.60
Pet - DesexedSelect this option if your dog is Desexed 1 $33.30
Pet - Desexed, ContainedSelect this option if your dog is Desexed and Contained 1 $26.60
Pet - Desexed, Contained, Responsible OwnerSelect this option if your dog is Desexed, Contained and you are a Responsible owner 1 $16.60
Pet - Desexed, Responsible OwnerSelect this option if your dog is Desexed and you are a Responsible owner 1 $23.30
Pet - ContainedSelect this option if your dog is Contained 1 $30.00
Pet - Contained, Responsible OwnerSelect this option if your dog is Contained and you are a Responsible owner 1 $20.00
Pet - Responsible OwnerSelect this option if you are a Responsible owner 1 $26.60
Transferring from another regionThis option allows you to change ownership of a dog currently registered to another owner or you may have come from another region and brought your currently registered dog with you. You will be contacted by email regarding any fees.1 $0.00