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These requests will be actioned during business hours.
If this matter is urgent please call 0800 732 732 to speak with an operator
What would you like to report?
 Request TypesInstructions
General enquiries . . . General enquiries, change of name and address, Local Government Official Information Request (LGOIMA), Volunteering with Council
Information Management . . . Archive research requests and Genealogy requests
Finance . . . Rates and bills
Building . . . Building enquiries and complaints
Resource management . . . Resource management enquiries and complaints
Animals . . . Change of dog registration details, animal enquiries and animal complaints
Wheelie bins . . . Wheelie bin enquiries and complaints
Registered/licensed business/alcohol . . . Registered/licensed premises and alcohol enquiries and complaints
Community housing . . . Community housing – general enquiries and repairs & maintenance.
You can download an application for community housing
Roads . . . Roads, footpaths, hazards, streetlights, signs, road surfaces and vegetation - general enquiries and complaints
Water . . . Water, waste water and storm water enquiries and complaints
PLEASE NOTE - If this problem is urgent (ie Water Leak), Please call 0800 732 732 for immediate assistance.
SIESA . . . Stewart Island Electrical Supply Authority enquiries, changes and feedback
Feedback . . . Compliments and complaints